Racing Extinction Educational Videos
Explore important topics through our educational videos – now on YouTube! Don’t miss the featured artwork downloads by contributing artist Jake Collinge
Week 1: Intro to Extinction
Prior to the unfolding calamity known as the Anthropocene extinction event, only about one in a million species would face extinction annually. Today, this rate of extinction is estimated at 1000x this natural background rate. The voices of biodiversity are dying out. Discover the main driver of this extinction event in the video short, and get a peek at the premise of our film Racing Extinction.
Watch on YouTubeDownload the exclusive Intro to Extinction art by contributing artist Jake Collinge.
DownloadWeek 2: The Carbon World
As a rapid rise in carbon dioxide levels brings us closer to the brink of irreversible climate change, our societies continue to spew more emissions into the atmosphere. There’s a hidden world of carbon dioxide emissions behind the everyday use of energy that we don’t even think about. How do we face a threat that we cannot see? Utilizing a state-of-the-art carbon dioxide sensing camera from FLIR , Oscar®-winner Louie Psihoyos shows the world never-before-seen images of the invisible made visible.
Watch on YouTube!
Week 2: The Carbon World
Download the exclusive The Carbon World art by contributing artist Jake Collinge.
DownloadWeek 3: Reduce Carbon, Save Species
Climate change has an evil twin. Its name is ocean acidification. Our oceans absorb excess heat as well as excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, after which it forms carbonic acid. This increased acidity makes it harder for many forms of marine life to form their skeletons and shells, including corals. We could see the extinction of most coral species as soon as 2050, a precipice from which ocean life may never recover.
Watch on YouTube!Week 3: Reduce Carbon, Save Species
Download the exclusive Reduce Carbon, Save Species art by contributing artist Jake Collinge.
DownloadWeek 4: Why Sharks Matter
Sharks predate dinosaurs. In the last century, the shark fin trade and commercial fishing have depleted their populations by over 90 percent. Throughout their 450 million year history, they have served as a keystone species that regulate and maintain healthy ocean ecosystems. What happens when sharks are removed from that system?
Watch on YouTube!Week 5: The Photo Ark
Download the exclusive Why Sharks Matter art by contributing artist Jake Collinge.
DownloadWeek 5: The Photo Ark
As more and more species are brought to the brink of extinction, one photographer hasn’t given up hope. Meet Joel Sartore, National Geographic photographer and founder of the Photo Ark, as he partners with OPS on his quest to bring a voice to the species that are so often overlooked.
Watch on YouTube!Week 6: Saving Species - The Grasshopper Sparrow
Download the exclusive The Photo Ark art by contributing artist Jake Collinge.
DownloadWeek 6: Saving Species - The Grasshopper Sparrow
Charismatic megafauna, such as tigers and elephants, make all the headlines when their populations reach critical lows. This catalyzes the world into action, bringing about massive efforts to save these species. Meanwhile, the Florida grasshopper sparrow, an inconspicuous small brown bird, dwindled to a population as few as twenty birds and few people noticed. One of those people was Joel Sartore, National Geographic photographer and founder of the Photo Ark, and he had an idea…
Watch on YouTube!Week 7: Faith and the Environment
Download the exclusive Saving Species – The Grasshopper Sparrow art by contributing artist Jake Collinge.
DownloadWeek 7: Faith and the Environment
For generations, many faith communities have been at the forefront of progress on critical societal issues. From abolition to poverty to the fight for civil rights, forward-thinking congregations have organized and acted in pursuit of progress. OPS partnered with Interfaith Power & Light to bring the message of #RacingExtinction to faith groups across the United States.
Watch on YouTube!Week 8: Palm Oil
Download the exclusive Faith and the Environment art by contributing artist Jake Collinge.
DownloadWeek 8: Palm Oil
The Leuser Ecosystem—the last place on earth where Sumatran tigers, orangutans, rhinos, and elephants live together in the wild–is being lost to the palm oil industry. Ordered rows of oil palms replace the once bountiful biodiversity of the natural rainforest. Demand for palm oil is driving this destruction. It’s in many of the snack foods, soaps, shampoos, and other products that we find in our local grocery stores every day. Vote with your dollars and demand conflict-free palm oil today.
Watch on YouTube!Week 9: The Power of Imagery
Download the exclusive Palm Oil and the Leuser Ecosystem art by contributing artist Jake Collinge.
DownloadWeek 9: The Power of Imagery
There are more than 6,000 spoken languages used throughout the world. If you had one message to share with the whole planet, the chances are high it would be lost in translation. Show them a powerful image, and they will all see the message the same. At OPS, we believe in the power of imagery to shine a light on the most critical issues facing our planet. Join us and our partners as we project iconic images on iconic buildings throughout the world to bring a voice to endangered species.
Watch on YouTube!
Download the exclusive Power of Imagery art by contributing artist Jake Collinge.