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Expose the Truth.
Protect the Planet.

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OPS inspires, empowers, and connects a global community using high-impact films and visual storytelling to expose the most critical issues facing our planet.

Viewers of The Cove since release in 2009
Viewers reached by The Vatican projection event
Viewers of Racing Extinction’s Debut in 1st 24hrs

We Create to Inspire. We Collaborate to Solve.

By documenting humankind's formidable impact on the environment, we inspire action and motivate change.

Combining state-of-the-art technology, courage, and covert operations, OPS harnesses the power of the camera to expose crimes against nature and illuminate solutions.

Our Work

Projecting Change

Our visual displays show you a world you will never forget.

We highlight the beauty of our shared home by projecting compelling content onto iconic architecture worldwide.

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Global Threats

OPS films help change the world.

We shine a light on the most critical issues facing our planet.

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Take action to protect the planet.

Through our collaborations with partners, policy makers, and front-line defenders, we champion a more humane and sustainable future.

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Making Waves on Instagram

It’s simple. Just stop buying it. This video explains perfectly how effortlessly microplastics enter our environment. Brands like @zeroco_official are doing something to help mitigate the plastic crisis. Consider supporting their efforts to rid plastic in our daily lives. 🎥 @zeroco_official @seashepherd ...

If you’re consuming seafood, you’re consuming plastic.

Researchers sampled a total of 182 individual seafood species for anthropogenic(of, relating to, or resulting from the influence of human beings on nature) particles.

180 contained some levels of anthropogenic particles, including pink shrimp, black rockfish, lingcod, Pacific herring, lamprey, and Chinook Salmon.

Microplastic ingestion can lead to various health problems, such as fertility, cancer, obesity, cognitive disorders, and masculinity.

Click the link in our bio to read more.

It takes nothing to be kind.

Don’t buy the ticket.
Don’t order the seafood.

Take the cruel-free path in life.

🎥 @urgentseas @spermwhalescale

This dolphin, we’re told, succumbed to its injuries after this incident took place in January 2025 at @barcelomayagrandresort

Keeping dolphins confined to tiny tanks, and forced to entertain humans, is animal abuse, plain and simple.

Please share this video to help us raise awareness.

Video shared by @urgentseas. (The guest who filmed this has asked to remain anonymous)

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